Locksmiths services for the utility and energy industry
Safeguard Locksmiths is the preferred supplier for many large Utility & Energy facilities such as Power plants, Water Treatment & Pump Stations, Communication Sites, Sub-Station Equipment & Storage facilities and Mining Companies.
For over 35 years we have provided a wide range of services across their diverse industries that are typically difficult in its unique way to secure, as many of them are located in remote areas.
Due to the advancement in security designs and systems for those industries in remote locations such as energy/utilities and mining that often require a high level of security, the development of the popular Eka CyberLock access control system & Salto Locking access control system have proven to be an effective and convenient security solution.
The EKA CyberLock is an electromechanical high security master key system. It is a hybrid product that has incorporated the benefits of a standard proximity or swipe card access system with that of a conventional restricted master key system. The EKA CyberLock system has a huge advantage compared to mechanical master key systems as it makes electronic access possible no matter where the cyberlock is. The Eka cyberlock can be installed in the most remote locations, this is made possible because it eliminates the need for hard wires between the lockset and the controlling software. The Result of combining a mechanical key system, an access permission, and a tracking capability system in one sophiscated access control product, the EKA CyberLock provides businesses with remote locations complete access control and monitoring multiple sites from one location such as their main headquarters.
Conventional cabled access control was not always practical for controlling remote assets such as substations, data centres, vending machines or even the service rooms of large buildings. EKA CyberLock finally breaks this either/or choice. EKA CyberLock couples the master-key ability to put a lock on anything with the tight and trackable access control characteristics of swipe card systems.
What’s more, EKA CyberLock retrofits into most existing locks and complements any existing access control system by extending your control to virtually every door. That’s why EKA CyberLock truly is the next generation in access control — able to secure, control and audit any asset from an office door to remote or mobile asset.
- Fire Brigate Locks
- Victoria Lockwood Power Industry Locks
- NSW Energy Industry Locks
- Western Australia Utility Locks
- South Australia Utility Locks
Here are some of our happy customers from the utility industry.
- BP
- Red Energy
- Newcrest Mining
- BHP Group
- Origin Energy Limited
- City West Water
- John Holland Group
- Ausdrill
Trust Only a
Certified Locksmith