The crime rate statistics on home burglaries is the fastest and is forever growing and going upwards. Serious crime against people can result from failure to protect homes and families against illegal entry.
The best precautionary measures you can take involve good old fashioned common sense and good modern door and window locks. Theses are day and night 24 hour all year around precautions that will work effectively if you use them. You can increase the safety of your home easily and relatively inexpensively. The many new improved locks that are now available for your home can delay a prowler to the point that he will goes elsewhere. Old locks probably hold very little locking security and should be replaced and most existing older locks can be upgraded cheaply and easily with good quality deadlatches.
Some houses attract burglars more than others. Follow these security tips to reduce the chance of theft from your home.

Windows are the most popular route for burglars to break-in particularly if they are at ground level. Another popular entry point for criminals are weak or poorly secured doors which are often easily forced open. While doors and windows may be obvious to be securely locked, they can be often overlooked. Double sided deadlocks and key operated window locks not only make it difficult for burglars to break into a home but can also prevent an easy exit along with this. They make it harder for burglars to steal large items from your home. So don’t become complacent and make it easy for criminals to break-in. Protect Your Home by locking up all entry points.

It’s essential as part of your home protection plan to make sure any sheds and garages are securely locked as these buildings are often overlooked when locking up a property and therefore are vulnerable to break-in and are often targeted by thieves especially if burglars can get access to your front or back yard. So we recommend a high quality garage door lock or garage roller door lock be installed on your garage. If your garage door features a mechanical lock, keep it secured at all times when not in use. If your garage door does not feature a mechanical lock, try to find a spot where you could attach a good quality padlock from the inside, or install a roller garage door anchor lock, these anchors provide excellent security.
Lock away all garden tools and any other items which could be useful to a burglar to help break in to your home such as garden tools which are frequently used to force open doors and windows. Reduce the temptation of a would-be-thief by not leaving valuable items around that can be seen from the outside. Keep all tools and ladders inaccessible. If you cannot keep your ladder in a locked shed or garage, padlock it to something secure and use padlocks on all gates and sheds including side gates. They should always be locked with high grade gates lock or lockable pad bolts, or alternatively a hasp & staples with a weatherproof padlock.
Don’t place valuable items so they can be clearly seen from the windows or if so have Window coverings so it is not easy to see inside your house. If you bought a new big screen television or home theatre system, don’t leave the packaging outside where it’s visible, cut it up and place it in the bin. This is also a great rule for items kept in your car, dont leave expensive devices such as mobiles, laptops or other smart devices in clear view no matter when it’s parked either at home or away.

Be aware of what surrounds your property. Typically it will be a landscaped garden of some type, by ensuring you keep it tidy and maintained such as keeping trees, hedges and bushes trimmed to a height helps in a number of ways. This stops overgrown bushes restricting the view of doorways, access paths and hiding spots under window etc, and it will allow the property to be seen from the street clearly and especially by your neighbours so they can see unobstructed view of the front of your property. Another good reason to minimise overgrown shrubbery around your home is it helps to prevent intruders from finding hiding spots and helps neighbours keep an eye on your property when you’re away. In addition to this, installing sensor lights that activates by movement can be an inexpensive and excellent deterrent.
So remember a garden should not only be attractive but also effective for security purposes. Also remember to make sure your house number is clearly visible from the street in case an emergency service need to find your property quickly.

Statistics have shown that you are less likely to get burgled if you have a reliable home alarm. They are probably less than you think and could save you thousands of dollars. We strongly suggest speaking to a professional locksmith/electronic security consultant who can help with the most appropriate alarm system for your home. There are many simple and easy security features on modern alarm systems these days that can enhance the protection of your home and make you feel better when you’re at home, work or away on holidays.
CCTV cameras for homes are very popular and are an ideal additional home security measure especially when you have the combination of both a home burglar alarm and CCTV camera set up. Good quality cameras will capture on video any activity inside and outside the property and some version allows real time monitoring via your mobile phone at any time 24/7.
Another simple but effective deterrent is to display signs or stickers making potential burglars aware of their presence on your premise, such as “beware Alarm or CCTV cameras on premises”, “beware security alarm installed”, “this property is under 24 hour CCTV Surveillance”, or a simple sign “Beware of the Dog” even if you dont have one. warning signs do help, they your house from being targeted by a burglar as prowlers will often spend time chasing the property they have targeted to burgle.

Be mindful of who you tell when you’re going on holidays for any length of time and dont announce it on Social Media such as Facebook and Twitter, or any other social platform this may alert a thief to a potential burglary opportunity.
If you are going on holiday, plan ahead. For example ask a trusted neighbour or friend to empty your letterbox, bring in your bins and they can also be your eyes and ears while you are away from your property. Alternatively consider asking a friend to house-sit or make use of a reputable house-sitting service, and don’t forget to leave emergency contact numbers with them.
Check if Neighbourhood Watch operates in your suburb. Neighbourhood Watch is a group of community residents who keep a lookout for suspicious activity in their neighbourhood and report it to the police. You may consider joining your local neighbourhood watch group as do a excellent community security service. Tell trusted neighbours and the local police of your intended holidays including your whereabouts and expected date of return.

Make sure your letter box has a lockable lock securing it such as a letter box lock or padlock, as identity theft is out of control and there’s no better way for criminals to steal it but from an unlocked letter box. Not clearing letterboxes stuffed full of catalogues and junk mail is a sure give away that the property has been unattended for quite awhile. Whether it has been vacated or the family is on holidays, this will spark a burglar’s interest. Always ask a trusted family member or neighbour to clear your mail whilst you’re away, and dont forget to give them the letter box key. Additionally, making sure the bins are out for rubbish collection (and subsequently put away), turning lights on, occasional watering the garden or mowing of the lawns will give the impression that someone is home. If you have any regular deliveries, don’t forget to have these suspended during your absence.

Identify your belongings and keep a record & description of both your household and personal possessions. Take videos or photos of your valuables and keep important item details including the make, model and serial number. Do a walk-through of your house contents and your valuables using your mobile video camera to get good pictures of items. Photograph and video your jewellery, paintings, antiques and any other valuables. Remember to keep your photos and videos records locked away or saved to the cloud and have a backup copy. Mark ownership details on your expensive possessions such as televisions, smart devices and other valuables using an engraving method or by an invisible pen marking. This will deter thieves and make it easier for the police to trace the goods if they are stolen. Taking a photograph or video won’t stop a burglar stealing them, but it could help the police catch a thief and anyone else who may have handled the stolen goods.

Safeguard your expensive jewellery or other valuable and irreplaceable items in a high quality fire & burglary resistant home safe. This will provide protection 24 hours a day 7 days a week all year around, and it is one the best investment you’ll ever make.
A professional safe locksmith can suggest a good quality residential safe that is right for your needs. Most importantly they will professionally install it correctly so it provides maximum protection. Often burglars will attempt to take the safe with them so they can break into it at their leisure without the pressure of time so if a safe is incorrectly fitted, the thief will simply pick it up and take it with them along with your valuables. Remember bolting down or anchoring a safe into position is just as vital as the safes quality relied to protect its contents. Be wary of inferior products sold through some hardware stores and retail outlets that are nothing more than lockable tin boxes and hold very little security and has no fire protection. More often than not, they’re made of very thin metal that can be forced open with a cheap screwdriver. Their so called locking bolts are pencil thin and can be punched back and opened with a small chisel. So beware of these cheap safes as they don’t offer the security of a genuine certified home safe.

Burglars are in their element in the dark so lighting plays an important part of your home security plan. Good quality outside lights such as flood lights or sensor lights which come on when someone enters your property can eliminate hiding spots and make prowlers think twice. Sensor lights that are movement activated are inexpensive to buy and install and are an excellent deterrent against burglars. Always report broken street lights and keep your own lights in working order.
Internal lights on timers are another ideal deterrent as they give burglars the sense of the house being occupied when no one is actually home. Perfect for those going away or often going out to work at night. Leaving some internal lights on an automatic timer to switch them on at set times is a good idea that will automatically switch on your inside lights and maybe a radio at the same time to give the property an appearance that someone is home. Simple effective security before going out for the night, remember to leave a light or two on and the radio or television on. The inside lights should be visible from the street outside to give the impression of an occupied room.

you can be sure that you are dealing with a qualified and experienced industry security professional. All MLAA members have passed the Associations Stringent Trade competency tests and are required to comply with an established Code of Ethics & Code of Conduct.
All states in Australia have introduced legislation in the security industry by adopting a system of licensing locksmiths. So when choosing a locksmith, make sure that you are engaging a master locksmith who has complied with the law. As well as this, the advantages of using the services of a master locksmith association member is you’re dealing with locksmith who is a member of the leading locksmith industry association. The locksmith will be experienced and accredited professional and security licensed as required and subject to regular police checks.
If you need a professional and trustworthy locksmiths today, call Safeguard Locksmiths on1300 723 796.