The Creone Alcosense Access Point Alcohol Breathalyzer is OH&S checked and tested.
To provide the appropriate level of protection of employees and to the general public, the Creone electronic key cabinet combined with the Alcometer to form an intelligent key management system that helps to enforce practical OH&S policy to those employees trusted with the responsibility of driving large machinery or operating dangerous equipment. The creone alcometer is a simple, quick and easy but highly secure and reliable system when integrated with the creone electronic key cabinet. This innovative key management system that offers access control features and operates the authorization of the release of keys by a simple alcohol breath test is a exceptional safety measure in any OH&S policy.
The implementation of such an electronic key management system integrating the breathalyzer unit guarantees the employer that those staff members trusted and responsible to operate or drive dangerous equipment or machinery must have a negative alcohol test result before access to keys are given. An alcosense access alcohol breathalyzer system introduced into any company where the benefits of such a safety unit would be ideal to display a strong responsibility by the company on how serious they are on OH&S safety standards.
Emergency Exit Door – Essential Regulations
Normal entry and exit doors are not usually designed for a large amount of people to try and exit all at once, which is potentially disastrous in an emergency situation.
A large number of people trying to escape out of one small exit point at the same time is dangerous; people risk being trampled or otherwise injured, by not being able to evacuate the building in time.
You cannot just decide to call the front door of your building the emergency exit; there is so much more to consider.
Here are the essential information for Building Owners about emergency exit doors.
Emergency exits codes you must comply with
Any emergency exits in your facility must adhere to the WHS Act, the stipulations outlined in the Building Code of Australia (BCA), and the Managing the Work Environment and Facility Code of Practice (this code may be called something slightly different in your state or territory).

There are three primary types of emergency exit doors
Exit Doors
You’ve no doubt seen these doors when you visit a Shopping Centre or other public place.
They’re clearly marked with those instantly recognisable green and white ‘EXIT’ signs and are in easily accessible places for a quick exit when needed.
If an exit door doesn’t lead to a fireproof stairwell or tunnel, it does not need to have a steel frame or be made of fire-resistant material. -
Fire Doors
These doors are made of material that is fire resistant and enter into fireproof tunnels or stairways.
The frame is also made from fire-resistant steel, affording a safe escape route when faced with fire. - Path of Travel Doors
These are the doors in escape walkways that lead to (or are between) an exit or fire doors.
Specialised Hardware requirements for Fire Doors
- As outlined in AS1905.1, any hardware fitted to your fire door must be fire rated.
- The included lock on an fire door must be fire rated and able to self-latch.
- You must also fit your fire door with a fire-rated automatic door closer, to stop heat, control smoke and to stall backdrafts from feeding a fire.
- Propping open an automatically closing fire door is illegal, so to avoid being fined or prosecuted, ensure that yourself and your staff are aware it is never allowed.
Other Important Tips About Emergency Exit Doors
- There needs to be signs that show which way to go to get to the emergency exit doors.
- You must have the location of your emergency doors clearly marked on any maps of your facility.
- The door’s opening mechanism must be able to be pushed or pulled down in a way that is easy for people who are infirm or elderly, or have arm or hand-related disabilities, sweaty hands or burns to their hands.
- Each emergency exit door must be able to be nudged open, to allow anyone lugging someone who is unconscious or injured to reach safety easily.
- There can only be one lock per exit door, and it cannot be a key lock on the inside of the door.
- If the emergency exit door is in an area where there is likely to be large amounts of people, there must be a crash bar fitted to help counter the risk of crushing by a crowd.
The simplest way to ensure your emergency exit doors are compliant with all relevant WHS codes, standards and legislation is to have your building’s needs assessed by experts, and the doors fitted by professional.
Security Audits Conducted to BCA & NCC standards
- BCC: Building Codes of Australia
- NCC: National Code of Construction (NCC now known as the ABC)
What’s this mean to your business?
Get the best possible advice from Safeguard Locksmiths experienced security advisers who will conduct a comprehensive audit on your existing locking system arrangements and make practical recommendations on upgrading your door hardware to comply with the Building safety standards if necessary, this may include doors closers, door locks, emergency exit devices, internal & external locking systems and panic exit devices etc.
Our experienced security consultant will inspect your existing lock hardware to make sure it complies with the current building codes & regulations. Our security technicians are qualified professionals who are experts in the area of BCA & NCC/ABC requirements and will provide you with the
all important information on a cost effective solution to bring your current security arrangements up to safety complaints.
We have been the first choice and the preferred provider to some of Australia’s leading companies in supply them with a comprehensive safety analysis report and implementing the appropriate door hardware so as their premises meets and fully complies with the regulations and codes as governed by the certified bodies.
Building Codes of Australia include AS1428.1 & AS1905.1 for exit, fire doors and door lock regulations
Exit Doors are a critical part of the fire and safety infrastructure of a building. By law there are very specific locking requirements required for Exit Doors.
In years gone by, Fire/Exit Doors were viewed solely for use as emergency Fire Exits, but that view has changed. “Exit Doors” are now used for emergency egress of all kinds – not just fire emergencies.
Accordingly, Exit Doors must comply with multiple codes and requirements. D2.21 (Emergency Exits) and AS1428.1 (DDA / Disabled Compliance) are but just two.
Locks used on Exit Doors – which also include Fire Doors and Path of Travel Doors – are governed by Building Codes of Australia (BCA) Ordinance D2.21. Mostly (but not always) these doors are identified by an illuminated green “EXIT” sign above (or leading to) the Exit Door.
Exit safety is paramount, and includes not only fires, but all manner of emergency situations. Situations such as (but not limited to) fires, gas leaks, toxic chemical spills, personal safety, and even bomb threats.
Local Council Building and Fire Inspectors, and the Fire Brigade, are the most common authorities that police compliance of this regulation. The regulation is complex, with numerous legal grey areas, with the ultimate interpretation falling with the inspecting authority.
There are also requirements within workplace OH&S policy to meet this regulation.Local councils also require compulsory annual fire safety certificates, which also encompass compliance with regulation D2.21.
Exit Doors has 3 main categories
- Fire Door: A Fire Door is a door that enters a fireproof stairway or tunnel. The door itself is made from a special fire resistant material, and has a fire rating compliance tag fitted to the hinge edge of the door. A steel fire resistant door frame is also used.
- EXIT Door: An Exit Door is a door that allows an emergency exit from a building. Dependant on its location, it need not necessarily be fire rated, or steel framed.
- Path of Travel Door: A path of travel door is a door in the egress pathway leading to or between a Fire Door or Exit Door.
Compliance D2.21
- The egress opening action of a lock must be a single handed downward lever action. A pushing action is also allowed, and is preferred.
- Internal knobs or turn snibs are not permitted. This provision takes into account the need for an emergency opening mechanism to be operable by people with hand or arm related disabilities, burns to their hands, with perspiring or wet hands, or the aged or infirm.
- The opening mechanism should be capable of being operated by a nudging action whilst dragging an injured or unconscious person to safety.
- Key locking in not permissible on the egress side (inside) of the door.
- Only one lock per door is permissible.
- Locks must be fitted at a height of between 900mm and 1100mm from the floor level
In the case of Fire Doors, the lock must be self-latching and be fire rated in accordance with AS1905.1. A fire rated automatic door closer must also be fitted. Only fire rated hardware may be fitted to fire rated doors.
It is a duty of care to ensure that all exit doors are safe and functional and BCA code compliant.
Lock Heights Regulations
Door lock heights on Exit Doors, Fire Doors, Path of Travel Doors, and Disabled Access Doors, now have a standardised lock height of 900mm-1100mm. The exception being locks in Childcare facilities, which may be 1500mm-1650mm high as necessary.
Door Hardware for Fire Doors
Fire Doors must only be fitted with door hardware fire rated in accordance with AS1905.1
Fire Door locks must be self-latching and are not permitted to have a hold open feature. It is an offence to prop open or otherwise interfere with the automatic closing action of a Fire Door. Fire Doors must also be fitted with a fire rated automatic (non hold open) door closer. An automatic closing door is essential in controlling smoke, heat, and destrictive back drafts, which could potentially feed the fire.
Locks or hardware that are replaced must be brought up to current BCA compliance. Ie: If a knob style lock is currently fitted, it must be upgraded to lever action when replaced.
Safety Standards
Personal safety comes before security. Security cannot be upgraded beyond the point of a single D2.21/AS1905.1 compliant lock. Non-complaint deadlocks, multiple locks, locking bolts, padlocks or padbolt type fittings, are all considered dangerous, and are not permitted to be used. The BCA code specifically states that personal safety takes precedence over security.
Panic Bars Exit Devices
Panic Bars, also known as crash bars or exit devices, are deemed necessary where large volumes of people collect, such as in halls or theatres, where there is a high risk of “Crowd Crush”.
Crowd Crush is where a uncontrolled volume of people surge against an exit door in an emergency evacuation situation, preventing the door from being opened, and people being crushed or killed in the process. To prevent this from happening, panic bars burst open in an outwards direction when force is applied,
Disability Discrimination Act) Compliance / AS1428.1 DDA
Emergency Exit Doors must also comply with AS1428.1 The Lock must have a lever handle (or push bar) with specific compliant dimensions. Knobs are forbidden.
- A distance of 35mm to 45mm between the lever handle and door face
- A 20mm return on the end of the lever to stop the hand slipping off
- A fitted height of between 900mm to 1100mm (Same as for Exit Doors, but excludes special uses such as Child Care Centres and Swimming Pools)