Restricted Master Keying System
Selecting a new master key system is an important decision as consideration in selecting the most appropriate key system and design of the masterkey system structure and the management, issue and control of the restricted keys is crucial.
At Safeguard Locksmiths we are the master key specialists.
We have been responsible for the design and installation of some of the largest masterkey systems in Australia including buildings such as Hilton Hotel, World Bank Harbour City, Eastern Private Hospital, Victoria University, Marriner Group, Princess Theatre, Regent Theatre, Comedy Theatre, Forum Melbourne, just to name a few.
At Safeguard Locksmiths we can provide you with a master key system that will not only provide you with a superior security key system but also the convenience of minimising the number of keys you need to carry.
When the masterkey system is used in conjunction with our key management software we can provide a range of comprehensive management reports which provide you the data you need to manage your master key system efficiently.
We have an extensive range of different restricted masterkey systems available for use by our customers. These high security keying systems include Bi-Lock New Generation Master Key systems, Lockwood MT5+ Masterkey Systems, Lockwood Twin Master Key Systems, Galaxy Masterkey Systems, Lockwood Generation 6 Master Key Systems, DC1 Masterkey Systems, Master Locksmiths Keying Systems, Secure 6 Master keying Systems and Abus 14 Master keying Systems.

BiLock New Generation
Master Key systems

Lockwood MT5+
Masterkey Systems

Lockwood Twin
Master Key Systems
When assessing the suitability of a master keying system, the following factors need to be considered
- Patent and /or Design Registration Life
- Product Range Available
- Serviceability
- System Expandability
- Cost
- User Friendliness
These high security masterkey systems each have benefits that can make them suitable for appropriate different applications.
Comparison of keying systems in their legal protection is very important as key systems are legally protected against (copycat) imitations through a Registered Design and/or Patent. In general the longer the peroid of protection the greater the effective life span of the key system. Lock manufacturers most often use registered designs of their keys profile to protect their key systems.
We can provide a free Master key survey upon request to allow you to ascertain the investment required to update or install a new master-key system. We would also welcome the opportunity to provide you with a list of referrals so that you can seek an independent opinion on the quality of our service.
Our security consultants will professionally provide that all important experience in determining your security requirements large or small. Safeguard Locksmiths will also develop a custom made maintenance programme, provide project specifications and management including briefing and discussions with architects. Safeguards experience with major projects is impressive. Recent projects include the Victoria University, Knox Private Hospital, Hilton Hotel, Ararat Prison, Quest Apartments, Essendon Football Club to name a few.
Basic Key System Facts
- Servant key is the lowest level of key, typically able to open only one lock or set of locks all keyed alike. A servant key is sometimes called a change key.
- Master key is a key designed to open a group of locks that are all keyed to different keys.
- Grand Masterkey this is a key designed to open a number of groups of locks and individual locks. Typically opens all the locks in a building.
- It is important to get the initial system design correct, however to ensure this is the case as part of our service a trained security consultant will be able to guide you to ensure that your key system functions properly is practical and provides adequate security.
- Our master keying experts have specialised skills and knowledge to prepare a master key system design. This design is presented to the customer for approval and must be signed off. The copyright and ownership of the design ,unless specifically stated otherwise, belongs to Safeguard Locksmiths (This is similar to an architect and the ownership of a building design)
Masterkey system expansion. - A master key system can be structured and designed to meet current needs of the client but it should always allow for expansion in the future of the key system if this is not done initially it may not be possible at a later stage.
Identify the degree of security requirements for different parts of the building. Masterkey systems are better designed around functions rather than individuals as people/personnel and organisational structures can change rapidly. - ACCESS
Identify the access requirements of individuals including contractors such as cleaners. Remember sometimes it is better to issue an individual with more than one key than run the risk and expense of a major re-key if a key is lost. - KEY MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE
- An important part of the installation of a new master key system, and one which is often overlooked is the control of the issuing and return of keys.
- Safeguard Locksmiths key management software has made the effective management of key systems much easier. The ordering, issuing and management of security keys can now all be done accurately and easily through the use of such key management software.
- The software is designed to accept the data created by Safeguard locksmiths in the design of your master-key system, and forms the basis for you to then issue keys. The reporting features the software offers is an important management tool.
- Our database in the program records all relevant master key details such as keys, doors, which key opens which door, key holders and signatories. It’s day to day operation will manage issuing and returned keys to staff, as well as temporary key holders, such as maintenance, cleaners, builders etc.
- Restricted keys can be issued on a permanent basis or more importantly a timed basis with the software automatically reporting any overdue keys. You will be able to place key orders electronically, receive system updates by email and update signatures as required. Training is provided when the software is installed and you can be up and running in a couple of hours.
Old Master Key System
How old is your existing Masterkey System ?
Do you know if your existing locking system still has legal key protection?
Safeguard Locksmiths are fully aware of the needs for our customers to have complete confidence in their restricted master key system and we have an uncompromising commitment to keep our customers up to date with the latest designs and protection in high security masterkey systems. Security master keying systems hold legal registered and patent design protection and typically the most common locking systems have legal protection for approximately 20 years after this time period has expired potentially duplication of your keys could occur without your knowledge or authority seriously breaching your security and dramatically reducing the physical security of the premises.
What is Patent and Design Protection for Keying Systems and how does this affect my master key system?
Manufacturers of Lock & Key Systems protect their products through either the registration of patents and/or registration design. We believe that it is extremely important that you are aware of the Patent or Design Protection of your keying system so the integrity of your restricted masterkey system is maintained at all times.
Patent Protection provides the ability to protect a product by Patent this requires the manufacturer to demonstrate that the key locking system has a unique feature that is significant to the mechanism of the restricted locking system. Typically Patent protection provides legal coverage for a period of 20 years from the date of lodgement with the Patents office.
Manufacturers protect their restricted master keying system by Registered Design when the locking system is not unique in its operation, but is unique in its design. Registered Design provides protection of 15 years from the date of approval of the registered design. Registered Design is the usual method used to protect the restricted key profile.
Both the Patent Protection and the Design Protection provide legal protection preventing any company or persons from manufacturing a keying product that impinges on the patent or registered design.
There are numerous award winning manufacturers who have established credibility world-wide as providing high security restricted locking systems with solid legal protection for many years to come.
Existing old master-key system cylinders in many cases can be upgraded with high security cylinders and your existing locks can be maintained, thereby greatly reducing the cost of introducing a new long term legally protected master keying system.
So if key control, key security and peace of mind is important to you then speak to one of Safeguard Locksmiths professional security advisers who can provide expert advice based on years of experience with hundreds of major master key projects.
Restricted Key Order Form
Would you like further information regarding the status of your security key system for example
Is it still legally protected or has its legal protection expired?
Can your keys now be cut without your knowledge or authorization?
If you’re in doubt, don’t put your security at risk contact a Safeguard licensed and qualified security consultant on 1300 723 796 or
send us a photo of you key to
We can arrange for a security consultant to meet with to discuss your specific security requirements, perform a free site survey and provide a quotation.
Key Stamping
Key Cutting