Our Cremorne Locksmith crew understand that locksmith emergencies are often things that cannot wait.
If you are looking for a reliable & fast Cremorne locksmith emergency service to attend to your locksmithing needs quickly, saving you time and money, look no further than our qualified & experienced professional Locksmiths.
Our Locksmiths are true locals available 24/7, everyday of the year. This means you will get a fast response time and attention to detail.
Because they care about your home security.

As professional locksmiths we have expertise in both commercial locking products & services, and residential locking products & services. So look no further than your local trusted Cremorne Locksmith provider.
We will guarantee you a fast and reliable mobile on-site locksmith service van for all your lock and safe work, you can count on us to be there when you have a locksmith emergency in Cremorne or the surrounding suburbs such as Gardenvale, Toorak, North Fitzroy, Burnley, and Carnegie.
When you’re looking for a locksmith nearby on your phone, or a fast emergency mobile locksmith in the local area, look no further than our highly skilled locksmiths who will provide a premium service repairing and installing all types of locks for both home & business applications. They will also provide you with informed and reliable security information on the highest quality security products for your needs. Our fleet of fully equipped locksmith service vehicles will be at your door to provide a fast and efficient on site lock service no matter whether you need a deadlock or window locks fitted at your home or a restricted locking system installed at your work premises. Safeguards have available a wide range residential products including deadlocks, dead latches and deadbolts. We only supply and install major manufacturers security hardware we stock such as Assa Lockwood, Whitco, Brava, dormakaba, Abus, Salto, CMI Safe co, AssaAbloy, Gainsborough, Burg wachter, Padde, Chubb Safes and Borg Locks.
Our Cremorne mobile locksmith team and our after hours emergency service crew are kept busy securing the homes and businesses in the local Cremorne area and we have the fastest locksmith lock out service no matter the time day or night. If you need a locksmith quickly, our professional locksmiths Cremorne are there to help when you need it most.
We will guarantee you a fast and reliable mobile on-site locksmith service van for all your lock and safe work, you can count on us to be there when you have a locksmith emergency in Cremorne or the surrounding suburbs such as Gardenvale, Toorak, North Fitzroy, Burnley, and Carnegie.
When you’re looking for a locksmith nearby on your phone, or a fast emergency mobile locksmith in the local area, look no further than our highly skilled locksmiths who will provide a premium service repairing and installing all types of locks for both home & business applications. They will also provide you with informed and reliable security information on the highest quality security products for your needs. Our fleet of fully equipped locksmith service vehicles will be at your door to provide a fast and efficient on site lock service no matter whether you need a deadlock or window locks fitted at your home or a restricted locking system installed at your work premises. Safeguards have available a wide range residential products including deadlocks, dead latches and deadbolts. We only supply and install major manufacturers security hardware we stock such as Assa Lockwood, Whitco, Brava, dormakaba, Abus, Salto, CMI Safe co, AssaAbloy, Gainsborough, Burg wachter, Padde, Chubb Safes and Borg Locks.
Our Cremorne mobile locksmith team and our after hours emergency service crew are kept busy securing the homes and businesses in the local Cremorne area and we have the fastest locksmith lock out service no matter the time day or night. If you need a locksmith quickly, our professional locksmiths Cremorne are there to help when you need it most.
We’re the Locksmiths that you can trust when it comes to protecting your family, home, Business and possessions. We help Keeping your most important property protected, that’s why here at Safeguard we provide a wide range of locksmith security products for your home or business and we only use the highest quality locks by leading lock manufacturers. With over 35 years of experience in the locksmithing industry, our security advisers have extensive technical knowledge and can professionally recommend the right product or service that meets your needs. Here at Cremorne mobile locksmiths we are focused on providing you with a high quality, friendly and premium locksmith service for all your residential and corporate locksmith requirements throughout Melbourne.

Melbourne Locksmiths Cremorne Residential Security Checklist:
- Ensure all windows and doors are locked with good quality deadbolts or dead latches
- Install deadlocks on all external doors especially glass paneled doors
- Make sure to have high quality key operated window locks fitted especially on ground level windows and keep them locked when not in usage. Some window locks are designed to be installed allowing for the window to be locked but in the partial open position to accommodate ventilation. No matter if you have sliding window locks, sash up & down window locks, casement window locks, awning window locks, or lockable window winders. Some keyed lockable window locks can be keyed to your front door lock key for extra convenience. If your windows are timber or aluminum, there is an appropriate lockable window lock to suit your application.
- Invest in a good quality burglary and fire resistant home safe and keep all your valuables in it such as cash, jewelry, confidential documents, expensive smart devices and even irreplaceable family heirlooms. A residential safe will provide protection to your expensive items 24/7 all year round. Make sure your residential safe is professionally installed and so it it is securely anchored to the floor or wall to provide maximum protection and cannot be removed.
- Have a Door Viewer or peep hole installed to check unidentified guests.
- Locks need to be examined and regularly maintained to ensure they are in good working order.
- A maintenance service of all your locks is beneficial as it insures they are working as they are intended to, and an annual service of Locks can prevent you from being locked out if the lock malfunctions.
- Install a security door or screen door, they add another layer of protection against burglary attack.
- Sliding doors such as balcony doors or patio doors are vulnerable to force entry so installation of lockable patio bolts on external sliding door locks.
- If you have a basement or under-house access point that is accessible by intruders make sure entry points are secured with good quality heavy duty locks or padlocks.

Our Locksmiths Cremorne crew are a dedicated bunch of security professionals that can give assistance in the secure locking up of your home and also make sure your window locks and door locks meet with insurance companies recommendations as the majority of the time insurance companies insist you get deadbolts and keyed window locks on all doors and windows.
Trusted leading brands we use are Lockwood, Brava, Whitco and Gainsborough as they have a large range of residential security products for a variety of home security applications including many types of locks to assist for your doors, windows, sheds, garage and even your manhole.
Our Locksmiths Cremorne crew are a dedicated bunch of security professionals that can give assistance in the secure locking up of your home and also make sure your window locks and door locks meet with insurance companies recommendations as the majority of the time insurance companies insist you get deadbolts and keyed window locks on all doors and windows.
Trusted leading brands we use are Lockwood, Brava, Whitco and Gainsborough as they have a large range of residential security products for a variety of home security applications including many types of locks to assist for your doors, windows, sheds, garage and even your manhole.

Our expert locksmiths can assist in supplying and fitting your home with either Single or Double Sided Deadlocks, Deadlatches and Deadbolts no matter what your door needs.
High-security locks are considered essential for locking up your home or property from the threat of burglary and keep in mind most insurance insist on window locks & deadlocks when taking out a new policy on your house.
Trusted Brands that are widely used by professional locksmiths are Assa Abloy, Dormakaba, Cardine, Lockwood, Whitco, Brava, Yale and Gainsborough to name a few. Their locksets are available in a variety of finishes to match your decor.
Our domestic locksmith service can fit Deadlocks to a wide range of doors such as inward or outward opening doors, patio or sliding doors, French opening doors, rebated doors, single or double doors, aluminium glass doors and wooden or steel doors, in fact we can fit locks to just about any door.
If your keys are lost or stolen or if you have moved into a new house and don’t want the old tenants keys to work anymore, an alternative to replacing Deadlocks is to rekey locks, recode locks, or change the cylinders. The rekeying of the locks will stop the lost or stolen keys, or the old tenants’ keys from opening the doors. When rekeying the locks they can be keyed alike so one key works all locks.
Our expert locksmiths can assist in supplying and fitting your home with either Single or Double Sided Deadlocks, Deadlatches and Deadbolts no matter what your door needs.
High-security locks are considered essential for locking up your home or property from the threat of burglary and keep in mind most insurance insist on window locks & deadlocks when taking out a new policy on your house.
Trusted Brands that are widely used by professional locksmiths are Assa Abloy, Dormakaba, Cardine, Lockwood, Whitco, Brava, Yale and Gainsborough to name a few. Their locksets are available in a variety of finishes to match your decor.
Our domestic locksmith service can fit Deadlocks to a wide range of doors such as inward or outward opening doors, patio or sliding doors, French opening doors, rebated doors, single or double doors, aluminium glass doors and wooden or steel doors, in fact we can fit locks to just about any door.
If your keys are lost or stolen or if you have moved into a new house and don’t want the old tenants keys to work anymore, an alternative to replacing Deadlocks is to rekey locks, recode locks, or change the cylinders. The rekeying of the locks will stop the lost or stolen keys, or the old tenants’ keys from opening the doors. When rekeying the locks they can be keyed alike so one key works all locks.

Depending on your requirements, Cremorne Locksmith mobile service has the largest range of padlocks for any locking application such as padlocks with concealed shackles for gates, garages or sheds, and padlocks that are weather proof and corrosive proof padlocks to stop rust in harsh environments. The ABUS padlock range is considered in the security industry as providing excellent security, reliability and strength. The Abus padlock is precision engineered and manufactured in Germany and many of the Abus padlocks can be keyed alike to your everyday house front door key.
Regular application for padlocks may include a high security padlock securing a hardened chain to lock up trailers, boats, caravans, motorbikes, push bikes and tradesman lockable tool boxes or storage compartments on work vehicles. Other types of padlocks include extended shackle padlocks or removable shackle padlocks, combination padlocks / dial padlocks for school lockers and marine padlocks designed for extreme outdoor weather.
Depending on your requirements, Cremorne Locksmith mobile service has the largest range of padlocks for any locking application such as padlocks with concealed shackles for gates, garages or sheds, and padlocks that are weather proof and corrosive proof padlocks to stop rust in harsh environments. The ABUS padlock range is considered in the security industry as providing excellent security, reliability and strength. The Abus padlock is precision engineered and manufactured in Germany and many of the Abus padlocks can be keyed alike to your everyday house front door key.
Regular application for padlocks may include a high security padlock securing a hardened chain to lock up trailers, boats, caravans, motorbikes, push bikes and tradesman lockable tool boxes or storage compartments on work vehicles. Other types of padlocks include extended shackle padlocks or removable shackle padlocks, combination padlocks / dial padlocks for school lockers and marine padlocks designed for extreme outdoor weather.

A frequently asked question our Cremorne locksmith team get is “Can we rekey the combination of our locks or change the cylinders on our locks so the old keys no longer work, or do we need to replace the complete lock?
The answer is it’s a far cheaper option to rekey locks or recode locks that are already existing, especially if they are good quality deadlocks that are working perfectly as they may give you the same result as fitting new deadlatches or deadbolts.
Another frequently asked question our skilled locksmith gets is “what are the benefits of single cylinder locks or double cylinder locks?”
The answer is a Single-cylinder lock works with a key on the outside only and has a turn snib or push button on the inside, and Double cylinder locks are key-operated on both the inside and outside of your door. Often either of these types of deadlocks can be keyed to your door locks and even window locks so one key works all locks. Always change your locks or cylinders after moving into a new home, change locks if old tenants still have keys or if you had the misfortune to lose your keys or worse they are stolen.
A frequently asked question our Cremorne locksmith team get is “Can we rekey the combination of our locks or change the cylinders on our locks so the old keys no longer work, or do we need to replace the complete lock?
The answer is it’s a far cheaper option to rekey locks or recode locks that are already existing, especially if they are good quality deadlocks that are working perfectly as they may give you the same result as fitting new deadlatches or deadbolts.
Another frequently asked question our skilled locksmith gets is “what are the benefits of single cylinder locks or double cylinder locks?”
The answer is a Single-cylinder lock works with a key on the outside only and has a turn snib or push button on the inside, and Double cylinder locks are key-operated on both the inside and outside of your door. Often either of these types of deadlocks can be keyed to your door locks and even window locks so one key works all locks. Always change your locks or cylinders after moving into a new home, change locks if old tenants still have keys or if you had the misfortune to lose your keys or worse they are stolen.
So dont put your security at risk by using an unqualified or unlicensed locksmith. Call our Safeguard Locksmiths CREMORNE crew, we are your true local and trusted emergency locksmiths on call 24 hours, 7 days a week we are just a phone call away and can help you with lock repairs, replacement locksets or answer any locksmith queries you may have.
So dont put your security at risk by using an unqualified or unlicensed locksmith. Call our Safeguard Locksmiths CREMORNE crew, we are your true local and trusted emergency locksmiths on call 24 hours, 7 days a week we are just a phone call away and can help you with lock repairs, replacement locksets or answer any locksmith queries you may have.