Accommodation & Aged Care Industry
The Affordable Housing Accommodation Sector and Aged Care Accommodation Facilities has surged in recent years. Why?
The ederly are living longer thanks to advancements in modern day medicine and now the life expectancy of Australian seniors has increased by 20 years.
Now in 2020 there are approximately 4,000 seniors over 100 years old and by 2050 this number is expected to grow to over 50,000 over the age of 100. For society, this means more accommodation requirements.
Safeguard Locksmith’s experience with residential aged care facilities is impressive, our security consultants have professionally provided expert advice based on years of experience in dealing with the all important door hardware to make sure its compliant with the building code regulations. For example fire/exit door locking systems, fire rated door closers, egress panic exit devices and other associated architectural door and lock hardware products.
Some of our recent projects and ongoing maintenance programmes include:
- Chomley House Care
- Burwood Student Accommodation
- Summerwood Hostel
- Camberwell Serviced Apartments
- Jewish Care Community
- Vic Uni Accommodation
- Quest Serviced Apartments
- Arcare
- Royal Freemasons Coppin Centre
- Treasury on Collins
- Quay West Suites
- Park Hyatt Melbourne
- Best Western
- Great Southern Hotel
- Lanbruk
- Oaks
- Ibis
The Community housing sectors cater for affordable long term rental accommodation for people on low income or with special needs. These programs are run and managed by not-for-profit organizations that are funded by the Government.
These properties for the homeless or disadvantaged range from rooming houses, transitional housing accommodation, apartment complexes and community houses.
Safeguards experience with Community Affordable Housing clients is impressive.
Listed below are some of our recent and ongoing clients:
- Salvation Army
- Port Phillip Housing
- Unilodge
- Unison Housing
- Launch Housing
- Women’s Housing
- Yarra Community Housing
Safeguard Locksmith has been responsible for a wide range of locksmithing services & electronic security services for over 35 years. We provide ongoing service and maintenance including the design ,supply, installation and maintenance of restricted master key systems, supply and installation of architectural and builders hardware, supplying and fitting of keys, locks, safes, supply and installations of electronic CCTV, Access control systems, 24 hour emergency after hours locksmith service.
These properties usually require large and complex master key systems that require a high level of customer service as typically they are custom designed to the particular project. Whilst these restricted master key systems provide very efficient and effective security of key control and restricted access of areas, they do come with disadvantages especially because of the nature of these sites such as tenants frequently losing keys which caused a security risks to the property, continual re-keying of locks & cylinders, ongoing labour and additional keys and extra maintenance service costs, and not to mention the key control monitoring and allocation of restricted keys.
Electronic Security has become extremely popular in the last 10 years, particularly in the technology Access Control Systems such as Salto Access Control and also the Eka CyberLock Access Control Locking System. Our team of highly skilled technicians have intimidated knowledge on these access control systems based upon years of experience with major projects incorporating these Hi-Tech Electronic Access Control Systems.
Safeguard professional security consultants provided in-depth and up-to-date expert advice along with product demonstrations to the various affordable housing providers to help them determine how the latest technology in these advanced systems will give them effective, safe and convenient management control under the one access control systems, while eliminating the traditional restricted master key system issues and associated costs.
The Salto and Eka cyberlock access control systems provide electric locks to every door, padlocks for perimeter gates, and a large range of locks and cylinders for most security applications. The benefit is you will have complete control over the access control system and tenants premises access.
By implementing Salto or Eka Cyberlock to the premise entry doors, and with ‘anti lockout technology’ to all unit entry doors, you can now effectively manage and control the access of all tenants and contractors remotely. Any new or existing sites can incorporate these cost savings access control systems.
Our security advisers can help security design and project manage the implementation of Salto or Eka Access systems in your project to help you avoid costly mistakes and last minute modifications. Our industry knowledge will also give you invaluable access to new developments that may be relevant to your project. Ask how Salto or Eka Access control systems were implemented into your site with their hi-tech sophisticated advancements now! Your site could be ‘key free’ and efficiently managed from one central location. Audit trails and user access are automatically updated and downloaded at each site without the need for management to attend. This will save much time as every movement and access change can be easily managed and monitored from off site location.
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